16 May 2024

Aye, we're Flitting!

Just like the Hob of Farndale - we are flitting.....

But in our case it's an 'online flit' as we are only moving the website to another web host.

So the new address is www.hobthrush.co.uk

I am also taking the opportunity to change the site's name to the Lay of the Land.

All the older posts have been copied across, and all new posts will appear over there too.
A few people subscribed to the new post email alert, and this should carry over to the new address. If there are any problems with this let me know through the contact page.

 I started the Arcanum blog as a bit of an experiment to see how easy (or difficult) it would be to create a website. Not knowing how this would work out i decided to use the free Google Blogger platform and its webpage templates, which admittedly do look a little dated, but i actually like the Web 1.0 style. The main drawback with Blogger is that there is very little scope for changing the appearance of the site without adding lots of code snippets into the actual template files.
 There is also a problem with Google search not indexing Blogger web pages for some reason, so they never show up in any Google searches. This seems quite a bizarre situation when Google own the Blogger platform, but it is apparently a common issue.

 So the Arcanum site has moved on to become the Lay of the Land, using a self hosted Wordpress site on Allhost servers.

Hopefully there will be something of interest to anyone visiting the site.



  1. Great news, May the site go from strength to strength. Looking forward to the new layout and updates. :)

  2. Thanks for your comment, the new site is a bit of an experiment as well, but should be better in the long run.
