The village of Hebden is located 1.5 miles to the east of Grassington, in the Yorkshire Dales.
To the north of the village, Hebden Beck flows along a scenic valley
which winds its way down from the hills and higher moorland areas. Part way
along the valley, the OS map marks a Rocking Stone perched high up on top of a
crag on the east side of the beck. A visit in April 2023 found the large block
of stone overhanging the crag, but it was not possible to make it rock.
In the late 1800's, Bailey John Harker mentioned the Hebden Rocking Stone in his guide to the area, but even in his day it seems that the stone was not easy to move. Describing the location, he noted that ...
"Here everything is in confusion, the rocks being scattered in wildest fashion everywhere in the valley, while away up to the right on the top of the scar, is seen a monstre block, which appears as if the hand of a child might send it crashing into the depths below. This is the Rocking Stone. Its weight is calculated to be 70 tons; but at present it is not so easily moved as formerly. The curious like to climb up to it and examine it; but there are no markings upon it to indicate that it has ever had any Druidical connection." (Harker, 1890)