13 February 2023

Megaliths exhibition (2023) - Kirkleatham Museum

An exhibition of photographs and paintings by local artists Gavin Parry and Tony Galuidi.

Megaliths exhibition 2023

2 February 2023

The 100 Ton Rocking Stone

Brimham rocks

 The Victorian guide books to Brimham Rocks mentions a 100 ton rocking stone sitting on top of a high crag, which was said to be visible from Harrogate, 8 miles away to south-east.

"Elevated on the southernmost range of crags, is a stupendous Rocking Stone, conjectured to weigh above one hundred tons, and visible even from Harrogate and its surrounding country. On the top are two rock basons, of a circular form." (Linney, 1838).

 There are no modern references to this rocking stone, and it is not shown on any maps of the site, so for some reason it appears to have been forgotten. Several visits to the crags failed to find the rocking stone, which seemed odd given its supposed size and elevated position.