24 December 2022

It's Christmas ....


These old Christmas cards by the Swedish artist Jenny Nyström feature the Tomten and Julbocken (Yule Goat) of Nordic folklore. The little chaps are likely the origins of the Hobs and Brownies in Britain - so kindrid spirits of sorts.

 The Swedish scholar, Viktor Rydberg wrote a poem called 'Tomten' in 1881. Here it is recited in Swedish with English subtitles ...

As guardians of the home (Hus-tomten) perhaps we should raise a glass to these wee fellas, that they may never be forgot.

Image credits Jenny Nyström   http://jennynystromsbilder.kalmarlansmuseum.se/

20 December 2022

The Brimham Noon Stone - Pillar of the Sun

Noon Stone

 The Noon Stone is a 4 metre high rectangular block of stone standing on a low hill 1/4 of a mile to the south of Brimham Rocks, and 8 miles to the north west of Harrogate.

 Today the rock stands amongst trees planted on the hill side, but in the past it stood alone on the ridge, and formed a conspicuous local landmark.

 The travel writer Thomas Pennant visited the unusual rock formations at Brimham Rocks in the summer of 1777, and wrote ..."On my arrival on the summit of the hill, the seat of wonders, my astonishment was unspeakable ; the whole was new to me; a flat covered with stones of forms the most singular, and many of sizes most stupendous." (Pennant, 1804).

  After describing several of the oddly shaped outcrops in the main group, he noted ... "I finally take leave of these wonderous phenomena by saying, that opposite to a weaver's-house, beneath the crags, is a round small mount, on which is a rectangular natural stone, quite erect, and, at a distance, taken for a tower ; it is about thirteen feet broad, and about three feet thick. The country people call it the Noon-Stone as the meridian is made known to them by the shining of the sun on it."